The Global Evolution of Electric Vehicles and the Road Ahead for India

9 September 2024
15:00 – 16:30 Hrs (IST)
Platform: Microsoft Teams


In celebration of World EV Day, the Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) is organising a webinar on the global evolution of electric vehicles (EVs) and their transformative impact on the industry. This webinar will delve into the pivotal breakthroughs that have shaped the EV landscape worldwide, offering valuable lessons for advancing India’s EV journey. It will assess the current state of EV adoption in India, examining key elements such as government policies, infrastructure development, and market dynamics. The discussion will address the unique challenges facing India, including affordability, infrastructure gaps, and consumer perceptions, and will provide a forward-looking perspective on potential growth trajectories.


Topic Duration
Opening Remarks 10 mins
The Global Evolution of Electric Vehicles and the Road Ahead for India

Sumedh Agarwal, Director, Smart and Resilient Power and Mobility (SRPM), AEEE

Edmund Downie, PhD Candidate, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Jyotiranjan Harichandan, Founder, Bolt.Earth
Mayank Arora, Director-Regulatory Services, Nangia Andersen Consulting Pvt Ltd
Neha Jain, Head-Electric Vehicles and Innovation Ecosystem, MG Motors India
Nitish Arora, Lead, Clean Energy & Transportation, NRDC India

50 mins
Q&A Session 25 mins
Closing Remarks 5 mins

Who Can Attend:

  • Industry leaders
  • Policymakers
  • Young professionals
  • Students and researchers

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