

State Energy Efficiency Index 2023

Achieving India’s Energy Efficiency Commitment by 2030:

Fueling Investments, Creating Green Jobs, and Forging Key Alliances


For Josh Talks, Dr Satish Kumar talks about the importance of sustainable cooling, sharing insights from years of research and implementation.


Towards Climate-smart Hospitals

Insights from a National Hospital Energy Consumption Survey


M&V Fundamentals and the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) training and PMVA certification program


Strategic Plan for

Advancing Energy Efficiency
Across Demand Sectors by 2030

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Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), is one of the leading organisation in India that works on creating awareness about energy efficiency as a resource. AEEE supports policy implementation and is an energy efficiency market enabler with a not-for-profit motive. We promote data-driven and evidence-based energy efficiency policies and research.

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Assam State Transport Corporation: Roadmap for Electrification of Bus Fleet

This report explores the current state of bus transportation in Assam, assesses the feasibility and advantages of electrification, and proposes a roadmap for its implementation.

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Towards Climate-Smart Hospitals: Insights From A National Hospital Energy Consumption Survey

The National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH) envisions strengthening healthcare services to all Indian citizens, especially children, women, and marginalised populations, in the context of climate change.

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State Energy Efficiency Index 2023

The State Energy Efficiency Index (SEEI) is a tool designed to track EE initiatives in the states and UTs. It provides insights on sub-national energy efficiency policies, programmes, and investments.

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