Energy Efficiency Market Transformation – Opportunities for ESCO

DESL in partnership with BEE, EESL, and SSEF is organizing a workshop on “Energy Efficiency Market Transformation – Opportunities for ESCO”.

Over the last two decades, numerous efforts have been made to develop a market for ESCOs in India by BEE, EESL, AEEE with support from Global donor agencies such as World Bank, GIZ, USAID, SSEF and others, but without much success and we are yet to see a sustainable growth of the ESCO market and ESCOs in India.

However, few recent developments such as implementation of PAT program by BEE and DELP program by EESL and launch of credit guarantee schemes by BEE and SIDBI for EE investments do provide insights into new opportunities which have the potential for transforming the market through collective initiatives by all stakeholders.

DESL has carried out a baseline analysis; identified some of the key challenges and market barriers from a financial, technical or regulatory point of view and raised certain key issues, which need wider deliberation before making recommendations on new strategies and instruments to address the identified barriers.

This workshop is a continuation of the Round table organised on the 10th of July 2015 in Hotel Park, New Delhi and the Core group meeting held on the 12th of April 2016 at the office of BEE, to look into the specific issues raised and explore alternative strategies for ESCO Market Development.

We cordially invite you to this important workshop to be organized on the 12th of August 2016. We look forward to your active participation at this event and share your views. The Agenda has been attached for your reference.

In case, you are not available, we would request you to kindly nominate some other person from organization to attend the same.

Venue: The Imperial, New Delhi

A line of confirmation from your end will be highly appreciated.

Anisha Bhattacharya
Mob +91 9650014674
Email –

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