Two-Day Advanced Training Programme on Energy Efficiency

Confederation of Indian Industry under the aegis of CII Pune Energy, Environment and Sustainability Panel is facilitating advancement of energy efficiency in India.

The improvement of energy efficiency has become the most important tool for industries striving to achieve excellence in cost competitiveness. Energy cost, being one of the major components of cost of cement production, not only necessitates the installation of energy efficient technology but also to inculcate energy efficient practices and methods amongst the plant personnel.

CII Pune Zone with the help of CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII-Godrej GBC) is organizing a two-day Advanced Training Programme on Energy Efficiency on 4 – 5 July 2016 at Hotel Sun-n-Sand, Pune.

The main objectives of this training programme are to disseminate latest techniques and advancements in the field of energy management, provide information on latest energy saving ideas, develop participants to create innovative energy saving ideas through actual implemented case studies and highlight managerial skills required to sustain energy conservation activities. The faculty for the training programme will be the technical staff from the Energy Management Cell (EMC) of CII-Godrej GBC.

Start Date: Jul 04, 2016, End Date: Jul 05, 2016
Venue: Hotel Sun-n-Sand, Peshwa – 1, Bund Garden Road, Pune, India

For more info, click here


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