Guidebook for Achieving Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in the Residences of Uttarakhand

Guidebook for Achieving Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in the Residences of Uttarakhand

This guidebook is a comprehensive resource on optimizing heating demand and reducing operational carbon in residential buildings in the cold climate of Uttarakhand. It is derived from the extensive research conducted for the report titled “Guidelines for climate-responsive and low-carbon building design in the cold climate of Uttarakhand”. The figures, numbers, and tables used in the guidebook are a replication of the guidelines report.

Whether you are a homeowner, architect, builder, or simply an individual passionate about sustainable living, this guidebook offers practical strategies to optimize heating demand, minimize carbon emissions and awareness on potential monetary savings. By adopting climate-responsive design principles, one can create comfortable living spaces that are in harmony with nature while significantly reducing energy consumption.

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