All posts tagged: Energy Efficiency

Our final call to restore environmental balance

The relationship between human beings and nature has been striving for balance for decades. We have pressured the natural world, with damaging consequences, for generations; we took too much without giving anything back. Ever since the industrial revolution, fossil fuels set us on a course of expanding our production, which also meant more pollution and waste. While leading and developing economies metered their growth through their GDPs

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Stay energized in 2020: People’s Actions Matter

My energy pledge for the year 2020 is to work closely with people, government and businesses to help build a new era that boasts a culture of energy efficiency in India. One question that I regularly get asked is what actions common people can take to help build a culture of energy efficiency in India.

I strongly believe that citizen participation that builds the cultural fabric of the society wields the most influence on both government and businesses…

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Our Office is Future Ready

Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy has moved from our old office space in New Delhi at Saira Towers in Yusuf Sarai to our country office space at 37 Link Road, Lajpat Nagar III, ground floor. Our future ready office, powers our rapidly growing teams and sustained efforts to build a culture of energy efficiency in India. We are walking the talk here!..

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Thermal Comfort for All is a Priority in a Warming Planet

Intro: Have you not marvelled at the cool comfort you get when you step barefoot into rural homes with tiled or thatched roofs, and mud-floor. What a contrast these are to urban concrete cubicles. Is it possible to build more houses like that? Where do we begin?
Just eight per cent of Indian houses have air conditioners (ACs). Fans, air-coolers, open or shaded windows continue to be the best ways to cool dwellings. Air-conditioners, despite the steady increase in efficiency will not be affordable for a vast majority…

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