
Thermal Comfort for All is a Priority in a Warming Planet

Intro: Have you not marvelled at the cool comfort you get when you step barefoot into rural homes with tiled or thatched roofs, and mud-floor. What a contrast these are to urban concrete cubicles. Is it possible to build more houses like that? Where do we begin?
Just eight per cent of Indian houses have air conditioners (ACs). Fans, air-coolers, open or shaded windows continue to be the best ways to cool dwellings. Air-conditioners, despite the steady increase in efficiency will not be affordable for a vast majority…

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Let’s Charge Up: India’s Electric Buses

In March 2019, the Department of Heavy Industries announced the second phase of the Faster Adoption and Manufacture of (Hybrid and) Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme with a budget of INR 100 billion focusing on electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure. The scheme provides demand incentives to bring down the high initial capital investment required for electric vehicles for public and commercial transport…

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