With support from Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF), AEEE has carried out this scoping study to identify potential opportunities as well as research and data gaps, for mainstreaming thermal comfort and energy optimization in affordable housing. The study’s objective was to assess the mission targets (building stock analysis) to understand the type of housing being built and highlight the energy impact (embodied and operational) of building design and construction within affordable housing segment. This is a first step towards understanding the energy impacts and pathway consequences of affordable housing construction under the PMAY-Urban mission. The project included:

  • Estimation and analysis of affordable housing stock to be built under PMAY-U mission (2015-2022)
  • Highlighting operational and embodied energy impact due to building design and construction in affordable housing as established through existing research
  • Discussing possible approaches for embedding these in the Mission implementation and identifying gaps in research and institutional processes.
  • Evaluation of the key policy options/ rating programs

Mainstreaming Thermal Comfort for All and Resource Efficiency in Affordable Housing: Status Review of PMAY-U Mission to Understand Barriers and Drivers