
Catalysing the Market Transformation of Electric 3-Wheelers in India

Catalysing the Market Transformation of Electric 3-Wheelers in India In India, three-wheelers (3Ws) are the most dominant mode of transport for last-mile connectivity. Many companies, such as e-commerce, pharma, textile, retail, poultry, dairy, etc., prefer 3Ws for last-mile connectivity due to their excellent maneuverability and low operating cost. Electrification of [...] Read more

Towards Climate-Responsive and Low Carbon Development

Towards Climate-Responsive and Low Carbon Development Electrification of the bus fleet in Uttarakhand is critical for the decarbonization of transport in the state. It is expected that the mobility needs of people will increase with the increase in urbanization and improved infrastructure to boost tourism in the state. The continuous [...] Read more

Demand Response In Power Markets

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