AEEE and CEPT University conducted this study with support from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The study aimed at estimating what would be the nationwide energy savings potential through widespread adoption of adaptive thermal comfort.

The study’s scope included the following components:

  1. Theoretical assessment of the energy saving opportunities using adaptive thermal comfort in the residential and commercial building
  2. An empirical assessment of the HVAC usage pattern in commercial buildings to understand the cooling demand
  3. Lab testing of RACs to validate energy saving opportunities under adaptive thermal comfort standard
  4. Evaluation of the key policy options for achieving the energy-saving potential

The intended outcomes were two-fold:

  • Projecting national energy savings estimate from the adoption of adaptive thermal comfort standards in residential and commercial buildings
  • Based on the research outcomes and the evaluation of the existing policy framework, recommend policy options and market transformation strategies that would help achieve the energy savings potential from the adoption of adaptive thermal comfort.

Projecting National Energy Saving Estimate from the Adoption of Adaptive Thermal Comfort Standards in 2030