
Bringing economic and energy efficiency priorities together in a post-pandemic world

The COVID-19 crises have put to the forefront grave challenges that are not just limited to the healthcare sector. Along with a staggering public-health turmoil, the economic repercussions of the pandemic have been alarming in the country with the contraction of GDP in Q1 of 2020 by 23.9% and the loss of jobs in April with the announcement of lockdown has been estimated to be at an alarming high of 122 million.

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Cooling as a developmental need in human habitat

Over the past decade, rising temperatures have added to the enormity of India’s developmental challenges. Rising temperatures present a grave danger to both food (nutrition) security and public health, making access to cooling a necessity for all sections of the population.

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The time is right for global alliances to harmonize Vaccine Supply Chains

While putting 1.3 billion people in lockdown in India due to the threats of the spread of COVID-19 might be the biggest social experiment in the history of humanity, its socio-economic impacts will not be equally spread. To begin with, the mitigation calls for coordinated negotiations between the up-sizing and down-sizing of the government machinery, calling for ‘g-local’ (global decisions impacting local actions) and affordable solutions which remain accessible to the most vulnerable sections of the society and most importantly, the will and capacity of the state to undertake fundamental changes.

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Energy Access: Essential Enabler for Public Health

There is a critical link between energy access and public health. Both of them are UN Sustainable Development Goals but their interdependence has often been overlooked.

India’s GDP has experienced a significant growth in the past decade and ranked as the fifth largest economy in the world in 2019, surpassing the United Kingdom and France. It is also one of the fastest growing economies amongst the G20 countries. However, its Human Development Index (HDI) rank is 130 out of 189 countries, with an HDI value of 0.64 in 2017. There is a strong relationship between per capita energy consumption and HDI specifically at low levels of energy consumption.

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Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Teaching us new ways to network?

There are events in history when disruptive changes become a new shared reality, forcing us to take a leap of faith into unchartered territory. The COVID-19 pandemic and its local, national and global health and safety regulations has changed the face of our people to people connections. As we vacate those hallways, we construct new networks, overcoming the physical with the virtual. In times like this adoption of innovation, technology and networked communications could be prescribed to keep the show going. But is India ready to adapt to this niche behaviour in the short term or do we still have miles to go and some hardships to overcome, even in a post COVID lockdown world?

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Stay energized in 2020: People’s Actions Matter

My energy pledge for the year 2020 is to work closely with people, government and businesses to help build a new era that boasts a culture of energy efficiency in India. One question that I regularly get asked is what actions common people can take to help build a culture of energy efficiency in India.

I strongly believe that citizen participation that builds the cultural fabric of the society wields the most influence on both government and businesses…

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Our Office is Future Ready

Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy has moved from our old office space in New Delhi at Saira Towers in Yusuf Sarai to our country office space at 37 Link Road, Lajpat Nagar III, ground floor. Our future ready office, powers our rapidly growing teams and sustained efforts to build a culture of energy efficiency in India. We are walking the talk here!..

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Label Homes, Not People!

As climate change continues to manifest itself in irregular weather patterns with catastrophic impacts on life and property, it is becoming increasingly important to apply mechanisms that sustain liveable conditions in our urban centres. This is particularly important for a developing economy like India, with a large growing population, amidst stressed urban infrastructure. The onus to build and sustain resilient communities lies as much with the individual consumers as with policy makers – and for this, reliable and accessible information is key to influence consumers and markets to make informed choices…

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